Wednesday, January 27, 2010

think about it...

designers have to be aware of a variety of factors. we affect how people use a space, how they feel in it, how they interact with it... we have to be ware of the people and the environment. projects like this and others bring awareness to others of exactly what we do. we have to work with what we're given, but create a sense of place. having a sense of place / comfort / security is fundamental for human beings in any situation. with the disaster in haiti, those people still need to feel that sense of place even in the midst of a catastrophe. projects like this bring awareness to the importance of providing aid to help restore that comfort and well-being.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

makeshift shelter : experience

today is unseasonably warm for a winter in greensboro. it is sixty degrees, the sun is shining, and the campus is full of life. it is the perfect day to relax and escape the stresses of school and work. sitting here, i become more aware of all the activity surrounding me. the tree whose leaves wave in the gentle breeze. the student running to avoid being late. the couple tucked away under a tree trying to salvage what little privacy they have. each direction yields something new, both inside and outside this cozy space. as energy and inspiration flow through me, i can't wait to record the world around me. with a blank sketchbook in hand, i pick up the pen not knowing where to lay the first stroke. vibrant colors, patterns, textures, people surround me, vying for my attention. all fighting to be the subject of my artistic expression. the thought energizes yet soothes me because i am in control. the possibilities are endless.

blue group!!

new year, new studio. our first project of 2010 is to design a makeshift shelter for sketching using only found objects. my group members are paris, hope, david, and pamela. while i am excited about the project, i am also aware that this will present many challenges. the fact that all materials must be found is the biggest. since we have no idea what materials are available, my group has decided to begin collecting materials before working on the design itself. hopefully after seeing the materials we will have a better grasp of what can and cannot be done.