Tuesday, October 28, 2008

site plans

for this one i experimented with making the building light and the area around it dark. it was time-consuming to shade in all the topography lines. but it was worth it because i like how it turned out.

this is the same drawing with the building and trees dark. it took less time, but it's not as pleasing to me as the first one.

for the site plan of my house, i tried showing the direction and shading on the roof using lines and different spacing. although i don't like the look of a dark building on a light background that much, in this case i think it works.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

dialog: first iterations

my initial idea was to create one space that is closed off and narrow. this iteration was very flat and possibly could have been considered one space since the triangle cutout opened into the same narrow space.

this shows the narrow space along the sides that i was trying to create.

my second idea was inspired by thinking literally about conversations. i came up with the idea of one person coming in and dominating the conversation. so i created one broad space and a small confined space on the back side.

suzanne's sessions: cell phones and twigs

this is the group of sixteen drawings. in each of them, i incorporated images from both the cell phone and twig images. at first it was hard for me to decide how to alter previous images to create new ones. but once i just started going with the flow, i got things that i really liked.

for my eight images i used mostly rotating and exaggerating. i like the fact that it's hard to see that these designs came from cell phones and twigs.

this is the final four images. i am really happy with them because i made these by combining my favorite images from before.

nadia's sessions

these are my favorite from the first day of drawing fixtures throughout the building. i used cross contour and perspective drawings.

the second day was drawing lighting fixtures. the hardest part about drawing this light was getting the curves exactly how i wanted them. it was also hard to get used to the view finder and drawing only what i saw through it.

these are my favorite drawings from day three of drawing architectural details. on the left is a door hinge and on the right is a set of pipes beside a vending machine. with the door hinge, i tried to capture the reflection of light off the metal plates. i really liked this view of the pipes, so i drew it larger below.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

questions about dialog

how is dialog created?
-often dialog can be created through similarities between the two spaces. many projects had spaces with a shared side or skewers that run through both spaces. the spaces have some clear relationship, such as a space within a space or spaces back to back. the dialog can also be created through continuation and proximity without the spaces actually touching.

how is a sense of space/place defined?
-space can be defined through using the paper or skewers or a combination of both. proximity is important in deciding when two objects are close enough to delineate a space between them. it is also used in determining when when one space becomes two. in my project, the large space is defined through two sides that suggest a space, but do not completely close the space.

how is the idea of system generated?
-a system is a series of parts that work together as a whole. this can be created through modules coming together in the whole. modules allow for repetition which can create a certain rhythm. a lot of people also worked off of a grid format that automatically helped the spaces fit cohesively within the whole.

how does the joinery support the project concept/strategies?
-during the critique, i noticed that sometimes joinery can be used to emphasize the most important parts of the project. it can also be used simply for structure and support.

how is scale utilized in the project?
-in my project, i intentionally played with scale by having one closed narrow space next to a much larger, less defined space. scale can also differentiate between primary and secondary spaces. sometimes if the intended spaces are large enough, the smaller secondary spaces don't necessarily 'count as spaces.'

how do two-dimensional images add to the understanding of the project?
-drawings and graphics can serve to simplify the design or to show details that may be missed. images can also show process.

how did the initial project idea evolve?
-listening to others at the critique, i found that many people started the same way i did: thinking literally about types of dialog and how two spaces might depict that. my idea came from the way one person comes in and dominates a conversation. i chose to express that with a small constricted space and a relatively large space.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

unity: final design

this is the final design for my project. i went back toward what i did for my first iteration. the bowl is deeper than the first iteration. i do feel that this design conveys unity because all the parts have to work together to create the overall shapes.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

unity: final drawings





Saturday, October 11, 2008

unity: the process...

these are my first two iterations (the bottom two images are the first attempt, the top image is the second model). i thought about unifying opposites and my idea became creating curves and circles with straight objects. in the first model, i tried to keep everything unified by having all the points of the sticks on the interior and all the skewers and papers come together to create the circles in the center. for my second iteration, i tried to use the suggestions from class to create something related but completely different. the skewers made their circle outside of the paper, the points of the skewers were upward and the cards were turned horizontally. in the end, this model did not work as well as the first.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

unity project comparison

i chose to compare my project to meghan kaufman's project. both our projects used the papers collectively to form a new overall shape. my shape was a circular, bowl shape. hers was a hexagon. the construction of the projects was similar in that the papers overlap to form the shapes. meghan's is composed of modules that repeat throughout. at first i didn't look at my project as having modules, but looking at it more i think that it does. my modules consist of one paper and one skewer. the thing that is different between the projects is in the integration of the skewers. her skewers had a structural function. mine were not structural at all. they were more of a design element. unlike in meghan's project, the skewers in mine echoed the shape made by the papers. overall, i think it is interesting how these two projects have distinctly different appearances, yet have so many similarities.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

a box for 12 twigs: final

this box looks similar to my previous model, but i improved the craft on it. in the openings, i folded the paper instead of cutting it to make the box sturdier. the sewing was also made neater. i like the back of the project because it gives the same image as the front, with the string showing the twigs. im happy with the way my project turned out and i think i conveyed idea of a display box for twigs within twigs.